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[VisionTechShop] TVS Portion Control Stainless Steel Washdown Scale Series
TVS Dual Display

Retail Price: $244.00
Dusty, dirty and damp environments are no place for your average portion scale. If your application calls for a scale that can stand up to the elements, or at least a water hose, you're in the right place. VisionTechShop washdown portion scales are perfect for food prep, fishing, packaging, etc. and can stand up to water like a champ!
Capacity :
Dusty, dirty and damp environments are no place for your average portion scale. If your application calls for a scale that can stand up to the elements, or at least a water hose, you're in the right place. VisionTechShop washdown portion scales are perfect for food prep, fishing, packaging, etc. and can stand up to water like a champ!
  • Provides IP65 protection against dust and liquids, Stainless Steel Construction
  • Lb/Oz/Kg/grams switchable, Easy Operating, NTEP Approved Legal for Trade, Coc #19-058, NSF Certified
  • Stable & Durability, low profile and Compact Size, Easy to Clean Stainless Steel removable platter for easy cleaning, Platter Size 9.2 x 7.6inch(W x D)
  • Adapter, Dual(Rear, Customer) Display included, Battery Operated
  • Capacity 6lb x 0.001lb, 96oz x 0.02oz, 3kg x 0.0005kg, 3000g x 0.5g
  • Capacity 12lb x 0.002lb, 192oz x 0.05oz, 6kg x 0.001kg, 6000g x 1g
  • Capacity 30lb x 0.005lb, 480oz x 0.1oz, 12kg x 0.002kg, 12000g x 2g
  • Capacity 60lb x 0.01lb, 960oz x 0.2oz, 25kg x 0.005kg, 25000g x 5g
  • Size: 9.6 x 11.8 x 5.0inch / 242.9 x 299.7 x 126.7mm(W x D x H), Net Weight: 9.8lb/4.4kg
How to calibrate TVS

Please watch the video.

1. First, turn on the scale. Press and hold “TARE” key and press “ON/OFF” key during self-check until display shows “F1 CAL”.
2. Then press the calibration switch, which is located below the battery with a sharp material.
3. Press “ZERO” to confirm and display will show LB
4. Press “ZERO” to confirm and display will show “unload”
5. Press “ZERO” again and select the max calibration weight value by pressing “TARE” to select the weight value. (2lb, 4lb, or 6lb).
6. Place the weight on the platform.
    When the stable indicator is on, press “ZERO“ key to confirm and “PASS” message will be shown on display.
7. Scale will restart.
8. In case display shows any error message or incorrect measurement, repeat the calibration steps stated above again.

How to Change TVS Units [Including lb.oz]

Please watch the video.

TVS Series Introduction 
How to calibrate TVS 
How to Change TVS Units (Including lb.oz)
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