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[CAS] LP1000N Series
Label Printing Scale

Feature rich, easy to use label printing scale. Use the most popular label formats. 4,000 PLU's, easy to set up and user friendly. Use in supermarkets, specialty stores, deli's and more!

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Models LP1000N Series
Capacity & Readability lb 30
Resolution 1/3,000(Single Range)
Display type VFD (Vacuum Fluorescent Display)
Printing speed (in/mm/sec) 3.14/80
Label size (in/mm) Width: 2.28/58, Length: 1.18 ~ 3.93/30 ~ 100
Operating temperature (℉/℃) 14 ~ 104/-10 ~ +40
Power AC 100 ~ 240V, 50/60Hz
Platter size (in/mm) (W x D) 15.75 x 9.65/400 x 245
Dimensions (in/mm) (W x D x H) LP1000N: 16.1 x 16.9 x 7.8/408.9 x 429.2 x 198.1
LP1000NP: 16.1 x 19.3 x 23.6/408.9 x 490.2 x 599.4
Product Weight (lbs/kg) LP1000N: 20.9/9.5, LP1000NP: 23.3/10.6
Ship Weight (lbs/kg) 35/15.8
Warranty One year


  • 30lb Capacity Single Range
  • Stores up to 4,000 PLUs
  • 30 Standard Label Formats
  • 54 Preset Keys
  • Standard RS-232C & USB Ports
  • Auto-Prepack Feature
  • 5/6/7 (Weight/Unit/Total)
  • Ingredients Printing: Up To 400 Characters per PLU
  • Commodity Name: Up To 56 Characters per PLU
  • USB-A to USB-B Cable Included
  • Windows Software Pkg Included
  • Legal for Trade
  • How to change the print head of CAS LP1000
    Please watch the video about print head of CAS LP1000.

    1. First turn off the scale
    2. Open the front cover and remove the two bolts as shown in the picture on the left-hand corner using a screwdriver
    3. Open the side door and turn the print head lever up
    4. Dismantle the TPH
    5. Sometimes, the pins on the PCB touch the metal bar, therefore, to ensure safety please cover all pins with electrical tape
    6. Take a new TPH and connect it, but ensure you do not get hurt as shown in the picture
    7. Turn the print head lever by pushing down
    8. Reassemble the bolts as shown
    9. Turn the print head and adjust the label paper guide to fix the label back into the right position
    10. Close the side door and the front cover
    11. Test the change by printing
    12. To print press “2”, [MODE], and press [▼] key twice. Then you will see “CHESS” on the information display.
    13. Press [PRINT] key twice.
    How to change the print head of CAS LP1000 
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